Gale’s General OneFile brings to your customers’ fingertips an impressive array of materials ranging from newsletters to major national newspapers in the United States and from popular and business magazines to peer-reviewed academic journals. There are 11,000 titles in all and more than 6,300 full-text titles. The database provides archival coverage back to 1980.
Database users can search both across and within publications. Both basic and advanced search options are provided in a highly user-friendly manner. In browsing publications, users can limit their browses to materials in one of four languages, from one of 49 countries, by general publication subject, by publication format, by target audience, to full-text publications, and to peer-reviewed publications. Database users can also browse an alphabetical list of highly specific subjects to find articles.
General OneFile users may set up RSS feeds on particular subjects with articles delivered either to their email accounts or appearing on their individually configured homepages.
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