Anthony Horowitz
Thirteen-year-old Tad Spencer lives with his rich mother and father. He gets whatever he wants but Tad is unhappy. One night he wishes he were someone else. When he wakes up, he is Bob Snarby, a poor son of carnival workers. He soon wishes he is Tad Spencer again. Tad runs off to a fortune teller who informs him that he is stuck being Bob Snarby until January 13, 3216. Will he ever be Tad Spencer again? This book goes nicely with The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain.
Beverly Donofrio
Ally is ready to start 5th grade with her best friend Betsy. They have been looking forward to the 5th grade talent show since kindergarten. Imagine her surprise when she spots Betsy with their enemy Mona! Ally discovers that Betsy and Mona are going to be part of a rock band for the talent show. The only girl interested in being friends with Ally is the new strange girl named Tina. Can the two of them put on a good performance for the talent show? Will Betsy be friends with Ally again? Pair this book with The Kind of Friends We Used to Be by Frances O’Roark Dowell.
Ronald Kidd
It’s 1955 and the United States lives in fear that Russia may decide to drop a few bombs. To escape the worry, Paul, Arnie, Crank, and Oz love to go see horror movies. They become excited when they find out that a new horror film called “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” is going to be filmed in their hometown, Sierra Madre. They get to meet some extras on the set named Laura and Darryl. The four boys soon discover that Darryl is a government agent looking for communists on the movie set and at a nearby university. Should they help him or prevent him from falsely accusing people and ruining lives? For facts about the Cold War try The United States in the Cold War: 1945-1989 by Christopher Collier.