Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What free technological resources are available through the library for the disabled?

We asked the Maryland Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (LBPH) to answer the question. Librarian Tyson Fogel answered with the following information:

With regard to technology, the library has four adaptive technology workstations for walk-in patrons equipped with Jaws, Zoomtext, Dragon NaturallySpeaking, and Kurzweil 1000 & 3000. We offer free one-on-one technology training that begins with an ability assessment and is then tailored to meet individual goals and objectives.

The library offers a large variety of books, magazines and newspapers available in audio, Braille, large print and digital formats that can be mailed directly to patron’s residence. A qualified team of librarians with specialties in reference, youth services, Braille, and adaptive technology is available to assist patrons with all of their information needs. In addition, The LBPH hosts a wide range of cultural, educational and youth programs such as book clubs, poetry workshops, art tours, and theatre. The library features a state-of-the-art adaptive technology lab with fully accessible computer workstations, and holds individualized computer and technology classes on a regular basis.

Also, we offer tours of the library and presentations of our basic services if anyone at LATI is interested. Contact information is available on their website.

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