Stop and think for a moment. We check our email constantly. We surf the Web daily. We stay in touch with friends and colleagues using social networking services. When we need an infusion of cash, we stop at the ATM machine. We pay for our purchases with a credit card. We use a medical insurance card for an appointment with our doctor or to pay for a prescription. Any of these situations could potentially provide an opportunity for identity theft.
Scott Mitic is the CEO of TrustedID, a company that specializes in identity theft protection. Mitic begins his book by focusing on how identity thieves acquire your personal information. Did you know that there are at least six items from your mail that a thief can use to steal your identity? Mitic’s first recommendation is that we obtain a copy of our credit report at least once a year and check it thoroughly for any unauthorized activity. Have you ever received an email from a foreign country informing you that you will be the recipient of a huge sum of money if you just respond with some personal information? Mitic discusses this and other email scams. He also covers the risks of both online and offline shopping. What should we do when we’re away on vacation? Are my kids at risk for identity theft when they’re using the computer? Mitic furnishes savvy advice for these concerns as well.
So what can we do if someone has stolen our identity? Mitic provides us with several essential first steps including freezing your credit, requesting fraud alerts from credit reporting agencies, and reporting the crime to police and financial institutions. He also points out that the more quickly we identify and respond to a case of identity theft, the less money we’re likely to lose in the long run. Stopping Identity Theft is an important book and essential reading for everyone living in the brave new world of technology and the Internet.
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